Insights into couple therapy
In order to give you a better idea of how couple counseling and therapy works in our practice, we would like to share with you some of our clients’ experiences.
“At the beginning we could not yet decide on a couple therapy. We do not regret this step for a moment and would do it again and again. In the beginning the communication was done by the therapist because we could not talk rationally with each other. In total we needed 10 sessions. For us the therapy was very helpful and our relationship is much better now.”
W.B. (3/2018)
“The atmosphere in the practice was very pleasant, we immediately felt comfortable. The patient nature of the therapist made us feel at home.”
Ulla G. (3/2018)
„Through couple therapy we can look at our relationship from a different perspective.“
Katrin K. (2/2018)
„… we felt we were in good hands.“
Tanja E. (9/2017)
„We did not dare to save our relationship, it is nice that someone believed in us and could help us (…).“
Anna M. (8/2017)
„Mit Hilfe der Paartherapie konnten wir eine schwierige Situation überwinden.“
Gunter F. (8/2017)
„At the beginning of the couple therapy we had nothing more to say to each other. The fronts were hardened and I felt my husband was selfish and insensitive. We only hurt each other. Through the mediation of the therapist we could open up and talk about our injuries. We were also able to constructively discuss my husband’s views on talking about feelings and allowing them to happen (…).“
Sabine W. (07/2017)
„..the therapist has helped us a lot.“
Jutta K. (7/2017)
„… Thanks to couple therapy, we can once again walk a positive, common path in life.“
Laura S. (6/2017)
„We were able to quickly put aside our initial skepticism and are glad that we have gone this way.“
David B. (6/2017)
„..through a clear and structured process could be mediated between the fronts.“
Liara L. (5/2017)
„The competent and professional manner of the couple therapist made us feel in good hands. (…) Every hour was impressive for us. Our concerns could be objectively illuminated and worked out.“
Andreas B. (4/2017)
„…many months we waited to see if we could save our relationship on our own. We are glad that we have gone this way after all.“
M. W. (9/2016)
„…we have overcome our crisis and continue to work on our relationship.“
Mara W. (7/2016)